DICK DiBATISTA, Pennsylvania
‘43 is considered the greatest wrestler
in Quaker history. He was a two-time NCAA
champion denied an additional shot by World War II whose high,
college and freestyle record was an unblemished 137-0. He earned
one high school and one National Prep title, along with three in
the EIWA from 1941-43. As senior, he earned the league’s
Outstanding Wrestler Award. “DiBi” was also a two-way
starter on Penn’s football teams which went 18-5-2 for three
years, playing pulling guard and nose guard.
After graduation, Dick served in
the Marines. After military service, he played one season of pro
football while earning a master’s and teaching certificate.
He then taught Phys Ed at his alma mater, Lower Marion High School
while coaching and officiating for many years, including Easterns
and Nationals. DiBatista has been inducted into the halls of fame
of Pennsylvania, District One (PA), National Wrestling Officials,
EIWA Officials and National Wrestling Hall of Fame. In 2005, Lower
Merion named its wrestling room after him.
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