The Eastern Intercollegiate Wrestling Association (EIWA) was founded in 1904 and it is the oldest wrestling conference in the nation.  Founding members schools were Columbia, Yale, Penn and Princeton. The EIWA, with 17 member schools, is the largest wrestling conference in the nation.

The EIWA is an automatic qualifier (AQ) tournament to the NCAA Division 1 Wrestling Championship.  

The EIWA is a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation that maintains federal tax status as a section 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit corporation under the 1986 Internal Revenue Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Code"), with administrative oversight provided to the EIWA by the Patriot League.

Mailing Address:
Attn: Cindy Snow, Business Mgr
1 Bethlehem Plaza, Suite 800 | Bethlehem, PA 18018
w: 610-289-2388

Administrative Committee - One athletic administrator appointed by each institution will serve on the Administrative Committee. A member of the Committee will be elected Chairperson at the annual business meeting, by majority vote. The Chairperson’s term of office will be one year with no limitation on the number of consecutive years served. The Chairperson will preside over all Association meetings, hold membership on the Executive Committee and will act on behalf of the Membership between meetings.

The Administrative Committee Membership is as follows:

     Chairperson                                               Tim Pavlechko (Bucknell)

     Coaches Committee President                Kyle Borshoff (Binghamton)

     Executive Director (Ex-Officio)                  Gene M. Nighman (Cornell)


     American University                                  Natalie Rogers
     Army (U.S. Military Academy)                   Tricia Brandenburg
     Binghamton University                              Dennis Kalina
     Bucknell University                                    Tim Pavlechko, chair
     Drexel University                                        Mary Mullvenna
     Franklin and Marshall College                   Lauren Packer
     Hofstra University                                       Jay Artinian
     Lehigh University                                        Stacy Shiffert
     Long Island University                                Catherine Snedecor
     Morgan State                                               Erlease M. Wagner. Esq.
     Navy (U.S. Naval Academy)                        Bill Givens
     Sacred Heart                                                Michael Morrison