DAVID POTTRUCK, Pennsylvania
’70 excelled on Penn football and wrestling
teams, serving as captain in both. He placed 2nd
and 4th at 190 in the EIWA in ‘69, ‘70, the Quakers'
top finisher both years. An honors graduate, David earned a BS and
MBA from Wharton. David has been a director of Intel and Chairman
and CEO of Red Eagle Ventures, Inc. He’s Co-Chairman of
Hightower Advisors.
In 2004, Pottruck resigned from
the Charles Schwab Corporation after a 20-year career there,
serving as President, Co-CEO, and board member. David’s
served on boards at United States Trust Company of NY; The Golf
Network; McKesson HBOC; The NASDAQ Stock Market; and the USA Ski
and Snowboard Team Foundation. He was named CEO-of-the-Year by
Morningstar and has co-authored a best-seller on managing success
in an Internet-driven world. Pottruck has been Senior Fellow
in The Wharton School of Business Center for Leadership and Change
Management and teaches at Wharton, with adjunct faculty posts at
five universities. He serves as a Penn Trustee and is
recognized as a top supporter of athletics, notably wrestling.
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